Major in Africana Studies

Learn from nationally recognized public intellectuals, award-winning educators, and be inspired by hands-on mentors.  Our classes engender in students a sense of identity and purpose. Apprenticing many of whom are first-generation college students, our faculty have helped countless of students visualize their own professional goals, and pursue educational opportunities that result in purposeful employment, merit-based scholarships, summer research experiences, legislative internships, best paper awards, travel grants, etc.

What we offer:

  • You will learn from some of UConn’s best teachers and mentors as well as trailblazers in their respective fields.
  • You will enhance your critical thinking and writing, analysis and communication skills.
  • There are opportunities to study abroad in Ghana and Kenya for course credit.
  • Faculty pairing: 1:1 academic advising, career mentoring, and research opportunities.

Academic Program Options

UConn’s undergraduate education in Africana Studies spans many fields, with a range of courses in five areas: 1) Black History, 2) Black Diasporic and Global Perspectives, 3) Race, Society and Health, 4) Black Arts, Literature, and Culture, and 5) Black Politics and Social Justice).

Core Curriculum (9 Credits: 3 credits from each area below, AFRA 2211 and 4994W are required, your third course can be AFRA/ARTH/AAAS 2222 or AFRA/HIST 2622)


  • Students must complete 27 credits to fulfill the major.
  • Students must complete 9 credits from the Core Curriculum, with 15 credits distributed in each of the Five Curricular Areas and three elective credits in any AFRA content area including variable and special topics or independent study.
  • Variable and Special topics courses may be applied to the distribution areas based on course content and with advisor consent.
  • Students must also complete 12 credits of related courses not cross-listed with AFRA.

Download major plan of study.

Africana Studies Plan of Study 2023-2024

To declare your major, please visit and, as with other UConn websites, you must enter your Netid credentials to access the site.

Related Courses 

Related courses can be any upper-level (2000 and above) in the humanities and social sciences subject areas.  Other courses need advisor approval. Below is a list of pre approved courses.

HDFS 2001 Diversity Issues in Human Development and Family Studies HRTS 3554 Immigrants and the Shaping of American History
WGSS 2267 Women and Poverty HIST/WGSS 3561 History of Women and Gender in the U.S. to 1850
ECON 2444 Women and Minorities in the Labor Market HIST/WGSS 3562 History of Women and Gender in the United States, 1850-Present
SOCI 2827 Revolutionary Social Movements Around the World INTD 3584 Urban Semester Field Work Seminar
POLS 2998 Political Issues ENGL 3609 Women's Literature
HIST 3201 History of Human Rights ARTH 3645 Caribbean Art, 19th, and 20th Centuries
HRTS 3202 International Human Rights SOCI 3701 The Developing World
ENGL 3210 Native American Literature HRTS/POLS 3807 Constitutional Rights and Liberties
AASI/ENGL 3212 Asian American Literature COMM 3415 Protest and Communication
POLS/WGSS 3216 Women in Political Development ENGL 3218/W Ethnic Literature of United States
FREN 3218 Francophone Studies AASI/HRTS/SOCI 3221/3571 Sociological Perspectives on Asian American Women
POLS 3255 Politics of South Africa AASI/ HRTS/SOCI 3222/3573  Asian Indian Women: Activism and Social Change in India and the United States
POLS 3406 Globalization and Political Change COMM/LLAM/WGSS 3321/3264/ 3260 Latinas and Media
HRTS/SOCI3421 Class, Power, and Inequality MUSI 3421W Music in World Cultures
SOCI 3429 Sociological Perspectives on Poverty
SOCI 3503 Prejudice and Discrimination
HIST 3510 Civil War America
HIST/URBN  3541 History of Urban America

Double Majors, Additional Degrees, and Minors

Adding a second major is a lot easier than many students think.  A growing number of pre-medical students in the sciences add Africana Studies to their degree program. By gaining broad, interdisciplinary training in Africana Studies, pre-med students are able to bring a heightened sense of awareness or cultural competency to the practice of medicine. Students interested in adding Africana Studies as a double major, an additional degree, or a minor can contact the Associate Director of ASI to discuss the major, requirements, and timeline for graduation.

If you are planning to be a double major, please visit Academic Services Center to obtain and complete the Double Major form. The form is located in the menu bar under "Forms."